Diamond Tantra Massage Experience
This erotic encounter is your very own private and luxurious oasis where you can relax and unwind. Reserved for the respectful gentleman who enjoys being worshipped by a beautiful woman. This slow, sensual and erotic massage will transport you into a heavenly dimension, creating a feeling of euphoria and ecstasy throughout your whole body. If you had any tension or stress before the massage experience you will begin to completely forget about it the moment I welcome you into my beautiful, spa like home, and put you at ease with my calm, sweet and loving demeanour.
Close the door to the outside world and indulge in this spiritual practice of sacred intimacy and pleasure by worshipping the divinity in each other through slow and gentle sensual touch and loving energy exchange of eye gazing, meditation and erotic massage to hold a space for spiritual and sexual awakening.
A sacred space is prepared preceding the ritual to form an alter of worship using a massage table or blankets, pillows, candles and soft lighting, an essential oil diffuser and soft, instrumental East Indian and Middle Eastern music.

The tantra ritual commences by performing a short honor ritual to set the intentions followed by further sacred and loving energy exchanges in order to awaken and raise the kundalini, the sleeping serpent at the base of the spine as we connect our energy bodies before connecting our physical bodies to one another.
Once these energies have merged and woven into each other finding a comfortable place, the sensual touch is initiated as a slow and gentle path into the erotic segment of the ritual.
And as you close your eyes and relax... allowing the seductive aromas to tantalize the senses and the soft mystical sounds take you back to the ancient times of the East... you will continue to fall deeper and deeper into a state of peace and relaxation. Breathe deep while imagining you are royalty and I am your own personal tantra servant as my soft and loving hands slowly move up, and down your body.
Then the erotic segment takes over generating a feeling of ecstasy and euphoria throughout the mind and body. Going slow, taking in each divine moment as it comes while we explore the beautiful and sacred energy between us. A lose-yourself sensation takes over as I guide you deeper and deeper and higher and higher until the most incredible peek of heightened sensations is achieved.
Then, slowly, softly, gently and lovingly the ritual comes to a closing, taking time to savor the last moments of this beautiful, divine energy created together. Manifesting a special sacred bond between the divine masculine and the divine feminine.
Take your time to explore the different tantra massage sessions that I have lovingly developed based off of traditional, ancient tantra techniques and rituals. If you need help deciding CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE to read what others have to say.
You will find the times slots that I have available by clicking on your desired session and viewing the calendar. Do not contact me requesting availability as I always keep my online schedule up to date.